The AUT*CIA project

A whole series of international studies, as well as a number of national references draw attention to the fact that severely disabled women and girls with high-functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger's syndrome (AS) experience even more discrimination in the working world then autistic men. This makes it difficult for them to start a career, experience a lot of job rotation and end often in a complete withdrawal from the working life.
​The findings indicate that the expectations torwards women with autism in their work lives lead to more occupational stress that differs to the stress of autistic men. There is a lack of knowledge where to adress this particular burdens to and how to support autistic womens needs in order to stay long term employed and find stabilization in their personal development.
With this project we would like to pursue these indications and identify the specific burdens and living conditions of girls and women with HFA/AS in the context of professional qualification and job placement, to reach equal and sustainable participation in working life nationwide.
Based on the results, a rage of services is going to be developed or adapted.
AUT*CIA stands for "Equal Opportunities for Severely Disabled Women with HFA/AS im working life" (German: Chancengleichheit von schwerbehinderten Frauen mit HFA/AS im Arbeitsleben)
The model project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs from the funds of the „equalization fund for national projects for the participation of severely disabled people in working life“ and will be in progress from April 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2024.